We do not have access to the content or metadata of your communications via the Briar app. We will not modify the Briar app to enable us or anyone else to access that content or metadata.
We do not collect any information about how Briar is used or who uses it, with the following exceptions:
Feedback and crash reports are encrypted before being sent to us. We store and process them securely.
By including your email address, you give us permission to contact you regarding your feedback or crash report. We will not share your email address with anyone else, or contact you for any other purpose. Any information you send will only be used for the purpose of improving the Briar app.
Anonymised information from feedback and crash reports may be quoted on our development website, which is accessible to the public.
The Briar mailing lists are managed by SourceForge. Their privacy policy applies to the mailing lists. The list archives are public.
If you have any questions about our privacy policy, please email contact@briarproject.org [PGP key] .